Thursday, December 6, 2018

How DevOps Cycle Forms? DevOps Testing

Post oleh : Digital Chandu | Rilis : 12:00 AM | Series :
What is DevOps?

DevOps-a combination of development and business-is a software development methodology that seeks to integrate all development software development functions into operations in the same cycle.

This requires a higher level of coordination within the various stakeholders in the software development process (i.e. development, QA & operations).

An ideal DevOps cycle would begin:

DevOps Life Cycle
DevOps Life Cycle

  • Dev's Writing Code
  • Creating and deploying binary files in a QA environment
  • Run test case and finally
  • Deployment to production in a smooth integrated stream.
  • Clearly, this approach puts a lot of emphasis on the automation of construction, deployment and testing. Using the Continuous integration tools (CI), test automation tools become a standard in a DevOps cycle.

Why DevOps?
Although there are subtle differences between the agile and DevOps tests, those who work with agile will find DevOps a little more familiar to work with (and possibly adopt). Although agile principles are applied successfully in development and QA iterations, it is a different story altogether (and often a containment bone) on the side of operations. DevOps proposes to remedy this deficiency.

Now, instead of continuous integration, DEVOPS commitments  "Continuous development", where the code has been written and validated for version control, will be built, deployed, tested and installed in the production surrounding that is ready to be oocupy By the end user.

This process helps everyone through the chain, as environments and processes are standardized. Every action in the chain is automated. It also gives the freedom to all stakeholders to focus their efforts on the design and coding of high quality delivery rather than worrying about the different construction, operation and QA processes.

It reduces the time of life drastically to about 3-4 hours, the time code is written and committed, to the implementation in production for the consumption of end users.

