AWS is a shortcut to Amazon Web Services. The largest online bookstore in the world, the world's largest public cloud provider.

About 12 years ago, AWS S3 launched only, a storage solution that provides high reliability, API and EC2 launched a default device in the AWS data center. Rapid growth led to the emergence of AWS (March 2018) global infrastructure, consisting of 54 access areas in 18 locations around the world, and plans for 12 additional access areas were soon developed.


AWS offers PaaS (Platform as a Service), IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), Server Computing, and more with over 70 different services. This number is growing rapidly, and now AWS offers more than a thousand new services and opportunities each year. Annual Reproduction: The rate of innovation increased to more than 40,000 people visited in 2017.

With all this motivation, AWS is now a significant force, while more and more companies are transforming their infrastructure into an AWS platform: from retailers to banks and from schools to media conglomerates.

On this huge platform, companies can unleash their imagination, come up with new business models and offer services to their customers, which they did not dream of just a few years ago.

General Services below

Thanks to AWS's wide range of services, and the time it takes to tell you about all of these services. Using VPC, EC2, RDS, and IAM, we will implement a typical Web application deployment as an example.

5 Key advantages of AWS:

  • Reduce investment, maintenance and management costs for ready-made solutions.
  • The use of highly reliable resources is always available and available worldwide.
  • Increase productivity by providing the right tools to do the job
  • Enhance security with modern cloud security standards
  • Increase scalability with paid price

AWS limitations

What is AWS and what are its limits?

AWS certainly does not leave anything desirable. However, the introduction of AWS is not without its own problems. There are some of the most important problems in IAM space, in particular, in directory services.

For example, AWS offers a solution for IAM, named AWS IAM. What is AWS IAM? AWS IAM is a great solution for managing AWS user accounts and web controllers. The problem is that AWS IAM, which is not surprising, aims only to manage AWS user accounts and web controllers.

Unfortunately, one of the side effects of this approach is that organizations will need additional IAM solutions for resources, separate from AWS-like systems (such as Windows, Mac and Linux), networks (both WiFi and local), SAML and LDAP applications) Something else lives outside of the AWS ecosystem. This is a big problem for many IT administrators who use AWS.

The answer to this problem comes in the form of an AWS directory service solution. The AWS Directory Service lets you synchronize AWS with an existing Microsoft Active Directory (AD) instance, either directly or under AWS control. In this case, AD identifiers can only be integrated into AWS.

The problem with this approach is that organizations must do what they have tried to avoid in the first place. That is, investing heavily in local infrastructure needed to support m. In any case, organizations rely on AD and must face the inherent limitations in the same.