Sunday, December 16, 2018

How do I get Amazon S3? What services compete with Amazon S3?

Post oleh : Digital Chandu | Rilis : 7:36 AM | Series :
Who is affected by Amazon S3?

Many companies use Amazon S3 (among other AWS services) in their work. Perhaps the most popular example of an early user is SmugMug, a professional image hosting service that started using Amazon S3 in 2006, one month after the service was launched. Since the establishment of SmugMug without initial capital, savings have been important to the company. By 2010, SmugMug has stored my Petabyte image on Amazon S3. Similarly, the imgur, Tumblr, and Pinterest data storage services on Amazon S3, as does the Reddit news aggregation site.


NETFLIX recently transferred most of its business operations to Amazon S3 as part of a broader strategy to improve performance and reliability. Thanks to the depth of Netflix's flow guide, the rapidly growing number of subscribers, the huge amount of data stored, and the daily data sent to customers every day, Netflix's leadership shows that Amazon S3 is capable of handling the workloads required.

In March 2017, unexpectedly for S3 in the United States and the Middle East, there was a long pause unexpectedly, resulting in partial or complete interruption in service maintenance such as Twitch and IFTTT, and even on the Amazon Health Monitoring Control Panel, They rely on S3 performance in the eastern United States. While this interruption has been noticeable for a long time, Dave Parroletti of Forrester, in an interview with TechRepublic, expressed concern that "this is not a normal incident and we see no signs that the cloud has become unreliable."

When does the Amazon S3 happen?

Amazon S3 was launched as part of the AWS beta in March 2006. Following the launch of Amazon S3, other AWS services were followed, including storage services such as the Elastic Block Store. Similarly, since then, additional geographic regions have been added to Amazon S3 (and AWS in general), with more than 12 regions available in North and South America, Europe, Asia and Australia.

The Amazon Glacier, a long-term archiving service, was launched in August 2012. In December 2016, Amazon announced AWS Snowmobile, a truck that can be delivered to anywhere you can store 100 PB of data to simplify the transition to AWS. .

What services compete with Amazon S3?

The biggest competitors of Amazon S3 (and AWS in general) are Google Cloud Platform and Microsoft Azure. Google Cloud Storage shared storage space is $ 0.026 per GB, while Azure costs $ 0.0184 per GB for frequent local fast storage.

As a "storage only" solution, BackBlaze provides Amazon S3 with cloud storage B2, which dramatically reduces storage costs in Amazon, Google and Microsoft at $ 0.005 per GB.

How do I get Amazon S3?

Any user with an Amazon account can register in AWS, which includes access to Amazon S3. Developers can start using AWS using the free access level available to all without restrictions during the first 12 months. It has 5 GB of standard storage in Amazon S3 with 20,000 GET requests and PUT 2000 requests, as well as free access to more than a dozen other AWS services.

For start-ups, Amazon has two levels of free access. Portfolio offers up to $ 15,000 for a promotional loan for up to two years, while Portfolio Plus has the opportunity to access this feature or up to $ 100,000 for an AWS incentive loan that ends in the year. Portfolio offers up to $ 5,000 for 1 year support; Wallet doubles in addition to this amount and extends to two years. The amount and duration of the loan varies exactly according to the accelerator you are working with.

